knowing, serving, satisfying
pen cille
22 years ago
past of me
kurnia's group
kurniati --- kurniadi --- kurniasih
icy lonely unhearted guy
fotografernya ella...matap la'
above and beyond
model: mas gaguk, koord SC SD-PC 2004, together everyone achieve more
aku sakit dua minggu, tepar, tapi aku masih punya teman yg paling baik sedunia, tak tergantikan
one of psychomorphosis moment..
hide and seek
surabaya - penampean, with 5 peoples inside it, he's so awesome
first & second generationbig family o nawikromo, and i'm the third
walking-walking in the morningbuying somethingcapture somethingcepret !!!!jalan tembus di samping jawapos lama
photographer : ella'my 6th PC's
the guardian
always take care my car
bites some chips sir ?
at parangtritis, it's tasted good, try mister...try....
my loyal companios
at 9th floor of royal plaza....
don't look back, especially when you are driving, especially captured by your camera, it will cause an accidentdrive safe: safety driving
ketintang's afternoon
ketintang's afternoon, such an rush area, but i love live here...
hunting party
ardhi with his canon 400D
tambah angin buang angin
she so damn gorgeous..... (the white one, not orange)
my yellow companions
mampir pantai kuta setelah leleah bekerja...
rise from the mud
At 06.00 am with sparkling ella, try to capture this havoc . . .it's known as "Lumpur Lapindo"